CFP: Blockchain Law

Fastcase Press
August 1, 2021 – August 2, 2021 all-day
CFP: Blockchain Law

Fastcase Press is publishing Blockchain Law, a practice-oriented book for lawyers who need to understand how the law actually applies to the use of blockchain technology. Professor Seth Oranburg and co-editor technologist and Attorney Rob Kost are seeking authors for chapters in practice areas including blockchain and: intellectual property, real property, contracts, securities, trusts and estates, the much-publicized non-fungible tokens, and other doctrinal areas that are impacted by blockchain technology. Each chapter will analyze a different domain of law. If you are interested in becoming a contributing author to Blockchain Law, please email Applications should include citations or a link to a law review article or similar publication you have already written on the subject, a CV, and a brief description of the topic your chapter would address. Chapters should be submitted by August 2021.

About the author

Hugh & Hazel Darling Law Library, Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University