Sharing Scholarship, Building Teachers—Albany, NY

Albany Law School

Albany Law School hosts and New England Law Boston cosponsors Sharing Scholarship, Building Teachers, the 2015 Scholarship and Teaching Development Workshop, Feb. 6 (dinner) and Feb. 7, 2015. The registration deadline is Dec. 12, 2014.

This workshop is intended for law faculty who do not have tenure and who seek an opportunity to develop their scholarship and discuss their teaching with other similarly situated law faculty. The program will provide a forum for untenured faculty to present works in progress, solicit feedback from peers ahead of the February-March Law Review submission season, and network with other untenured faculty about teaching practices and related issues.

There is no fee to attend the program (whether you are presenting a paper or not), but you must register before the deadline: Dec. 12, 2014.

Hat tip: SSRN.

About the author

Reference librarian, University of Washington School of Law