Call for Papers Deadline: Post-Conviction Review – Portland, ME

The Maine Law Review, in consultation with the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, is pleased to announce plans for a spring 2012 live symposium on the law of post-conviction review, and an invitation for article proposals to be considered for publication in the spring edition of the Law Review. The submission deadline is Sept. 15, 2011. Update (Aug. 19, 2011): The symposium will take place Feb. 4, 2012.

The symposium will offer both national and Maine specific perspectives on post-conviction review issues, and will feature a nationally prominent keynote speaker along with other distinguished presenters. Each speaker will submit an article to be published in the spring issue. While the live symposium will feature three or four primary speakers due to time constraints, the book will contain additional articles.

We seek submissions on a broad range of topics relating to post-conviction review, including its appropriate goals and the efficacy of current state and federal procedures in accomplishing those goals. Moreover, convictions carry a myriad of significant collateral consequences such as deportation and deprivation of public assistance benefits. We seek articles that assess whether and how these consequences should inform the optimum scope of post-conviction review, and how they affect the process by which guilty pleas are presented in courts.

The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2011. Submitted abstracts should be no longer than three (3) pages, double-spaced, with standard margins and font size. For additional information, please contact Emma Bond at [at], or by phone at (207) 619-3662.
