Call for Papers – Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Appalachian Journal of Law (Appalachian School of Law) currently seeks articles on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and related topics for publication in our Spring issue of 2012.

Since ADR has been the traditional focus of our Spring issue, and we have an established ADR readership base, the Appalachian Journal of Law is the ideal journal for your article on ADR. Because all of our associate editors are required to take at least one ADR course, those who edit your article will have a familiarity with the ADR process and many of the relevant issues being discussed in ADR today. You may submit your article to the Appalachian Journal of Law in one of two of ways:

* e-mail your article to us directly at law_journal [at], or
* submit your article through the ExpressO online delivery service at

Whichever submission method you use, we kindly ask that all submissions include a cover letter and résumé. We have a limited number of spaces and consider articles for publication on a rolling basis, so we ask that you submit your article as early as possible.

Thanks: Faculty Law Conference Updates. mw