January 27, 2011 Colloquia/Workshops


Ronald Allen (Northwestern Law)

Columbia Law

Robert Ferguson (Columbia Law) presents “The Place of Mercy in Legal Discourse.”

This paper is not available through the Social Science Research Network, but may be obtained through Columbia’s site here.

Sandra Day O’Connor Law

The College of Law’s Indian Legal Program presents “What Makes a Nation?“, featuring Herb Yazzie of the Navajo Nation Supreme Court.

Santa Clara Social Justice

Karthick Ramakrishnan (U.C. Riverside Political Science) presents “Going Local: The New Politics of Immigration in the United States.

This paper is not publicly available.

University of Washington

Trevor Morrison (Columbia Law) presents “Constitutional Alarmism.”

This paper is not publicly available.

The Law School also hosts a panel discussion entitled “The Politics of Complimentarity: The ICC and the Situation in Kenya.”

 More information can be obtained on the program here.

Yale Law and Economics

Peter Leeson (George Mason Economics) presents “Trial by Battle.

This paper is publicly available.