REACH Regulation – Brussels, Belgium

Lexxion presents “REACH – Challenges after the registration deadline of 1 December 2010” on Feb. 22, 2011.

The first registration deadline of the REACH regulation has just passed: Substances in high quantities and CMR substances had to be registered by 1 December 2010 – two more will follow until 2018.

At this conference, the second in the field of law which is covered by our European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR), we will evaluate and discuss the impacts and challenges of this registration deadline for the chemical industry.
At the beginning of the conference the actual situation after December will closely looked at 1 from different points of view with seven speakers from various backgrounds informing the audience about their experiences. Towards the end the speakers will concentrate on a possible revision (panel discussion with all speakers).

This EJRR Conference on REACH mainly targets members of the legal departments of the chemical industry and downstream users as well as lawyers with a focus on chemical law.