November 9, 2010 Colloquia / Workshops

Columbia Legal Theory

Lynn Stout (UCLA Law) presents “Killing Conscience: The Criminogenic Impact of ‘Pay for Performance.'”

This paper is not available through the Social Science Research Network, but it can be obtained through Columbia here.

University of Illinois

Cindy Alexander (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) presents “SEC Enforcement.”

This paper is not publicly available.

NYU Law, Economics and Politics

Anna Stilz (Princeton Politics) presents “Nation, States and Territories.”

This paper is not publicly available.

Toronto Law and Economics

Thomas Ulen (Illinois Law) presents “The Role of Law in Economic Development.”

This paper is not publicly available.

UC Hastings

Jennifer Drobac (Indiana Law, visiting Santa Clara Law) presents “Worldly But Not Yet Wise: The Sexual Harassment of Teenagers, Their ‘Developing Capacity,’ and the Law’s Response.”

This paper is not publicly available.