Neutrality and Theory of Law – Girona, Spain

Registration is now open for the University of Girona‘s conference, Neutrality and Theory of Law, on May 20-22, 2010. The conference commemorates the first fifty volumes in Marcial Pons publishers’ Philosophy and Law collection. Universtat Pampeu Fabra is also an organizer of the conference.

Our aim is that the conference will be a meeting place for authors and readers of our books. For this reason twelve authors from the collection will be speakers at the event Dr. Robert Alexy, Dr. Juan C. Bayón, Dr. Brian Bix, Dr. Eugenio Bulygin, Dr. Bruno Celano, Dr. Jules L. Coleman, Dr. Riccardo Guastini, Dr. Brian Leiter, Dr. Jorge Luis Rodríguez, Dr. Frederick Schauer, Dr. Scott J. Shapiro, Dr. Wilfrid J. Waluchow. We have chosen the theme “neutrality and theory of Law” as the backbone of the speeches because it is one of the most frequently found, either directly or indirectly, in the books of the collection

Our objective is to offer an event of the utmost magnitude in the iusphilosophical debate that will gather the different legal traditions, addressed specifically toward the Hispanic-American community.

Online registration is available at the conference website.