Transitional Justice, Rule of Law, and the Creation of the Civilian Response Corps U.S. Gov’t Expeditionary Capacity – Washington, DC

Transitional Justice and Rule of Law and the Creation of the Civilian Response Corps U.S. Government Expeditionary Capacity will take place Jan. 22, 2009, at Tillar House, 2223 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC.

Co-sponsored by the American Society of International Law‘s Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law Interest Group, The United States Institute for Peace International Network to Promote the Rule of Law (INPROL) and in cooperation with the American Bar Association Section of International Law, this program will focus on the lessons learned from Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans and elsewhere and will highlight the importance of developing a US government civilian ready capacity for reconstruction and stabilization (R&S), including, among other priority sectors, transitional justice, security and rule of law.