Midwestern Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting – Day Two

Saturday, October 4th, 2008
Rubloff Building, 375 E. Chicago Avenue

8:30-10:10 Session A – Insurance/Finance (Parillo Court Room-Rubloff 155)
Panel Chair: Ezra Friedman

Thomas Brennan, When Does a Summation Index Add Up?

Lee Anne Fennell, Risk Reversals

Robert J. Rhee, Procedural Election: Towards Private Risk Allocation in Litigation Through the Election of the Standard of Proof and Fee Shifting Rules

Peter H. Huang, How To Democratize Financial Planning So That Everyone Can Enjoy Their Highest Sustainable Standard of Living and Life Satisfaction

8:30-10:10 Session B – Securities (RB 175)
Panel Chair: Olufunmilayo B. Arewa

Olufunmilayo B. Arewa, Securities Regulation and Market Crisis: Financial Interpretation, Trading and Networks

Cindy R. Alexander, Yoon-Ho Alex Lee, The Dynamics of SEC Rulemaking: Evidence on the Informational Environment around SOX Rules

Arthur Laby, Behavioral Finance and the Prohibition on Insider Trading

Dale B. Thompson, Regulation of Hedge Funds:  Lessons from Market Failures, Business Organizations, and Environmental Policy

8:30-10:10 Session C – Political Economy (RB 180)
Panel Chair: Peter DiCola

Margaret Brinig, Nicole Stelle Garnett, The Effect of Catholic School Closings on Neighborhoods and Families

Charlotte Crane, Burdens or Bounties: Federal Excises on Tobacco and Sugar Processing in the Early Republic

Larry Ribstein, Bruce Kobayashi, Jurisdictional Competition for LLCs

Peter DiCola, Why Didn’t Radio Companies Get Even Bigger After the Telecommunications Act of 1996

10:30-11:45 Session A – Employment Law (Parillo Court Room-Rubloff 155)
Panel Chair: Ezra Friedman

Franita Tolson, The Boundaries of Litigating Unconscious Discrimination: Firm-Based Remedies in Response to a Hostile Judiciary

Lesley Wexler, Jonah Gelbach, Jonathan Klick, Passive Discrimination: Compensation and Conditions of Employment as Mechanisms of Segregation

Scott A. Moss, Peter H. Huang, Judges’ Behavioral Problems: What Behavioral Economics and Happiness Research Say Employment Law Gets Wrong

10:30-11:45 Session B – Corporate Tax (RB 175)
Panel Chair: Charlotte Crane

Leandra Lederman, W(h)ither Business Purpose and Economic Substance?

Claire Hill, Kristin Hickman , The Illegitimacy of Tax Shelter Regulation

Bradley T. Borden, Residual-Risk Model for Classifying Tax Entities

10:30-11:45 Session C – Issues in Civil Liability (RB 180)
Panel Chair: TBD

Jay Weiser, Ronald Neath, Enforcement Intensity and Community Association Unit Value: An Empirical Study

Christopher Drahozal, Stephen J. Ware, Arbitration and Litigation as Competitors in the Pre-Dispute Market for Binding Dispute Resolution

12:45 Session A – Criminal (Parillo Courtroom-RB155)
Panel Chair: Max Schanzenbach

Thomas J. Miles, Disparities in Federal Prosecutors Applications for Wire Tap Warrants

Manu Raghav, Why Do Budgets Received by State Prosecutors vary across Districts in the United States?

12:45 Session B – Corporate Law II (RB 175)
Panel Chair: Peter DiCola

Antony Page, Material Adverse Change Clauses: Explanations and Practice

Emanuela Carbonara, Francesco Parisi, Matteo Alvisi and Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Complementing Substitutes

Gerrit De Geest, Margo Schlanger, Should Multitask Agents Be Immune from Tort Liability?

Sharon Hannes, Compensating for Executive Compensation: The Case for Gatekeeper Incentive Pay

12:45 Session C – Consumer Protection (RB 180)
Panel Chair: Jeffrey Stake

Ezra Friedman, Competition and Unconscionability

Rafael Pardo, An Empirical Examination of Access to Chapter 7 Relief by Pro Se Debtors

Robert A. Katz, The Artifice of the Deal, or How to Transfer Noncommodified Human Tissue Without Actually Selling It

Eric Goldman, Economics of Reputational Information