Subprime Crisis – Hartford, CT

The Connecticut Law Review will host a symposium, The Subprime Crisis: Moving Forward, at the University of Connecticut School of Law.

The standard subprime conference focuses on yesterday’s issues – i.e., definitions of subprime loans and why the subprime crisis happened. In this conference, in contrast, we will focus on the challenges that lie before us. It came as a shock to policymakers around the world that this seemingly obscure corner of the U.S. consumer credit market morphed into global contagion. Similarly, the United States is groping toward solutions to revive the credit markets and resolve millions of foreclosures. Necessarily, the symposium will be interdisciplinary in nature, involving the intersection of economics, finance, and law.

Symposium editors are John Herrington (john.herrington[at] and Kathryn Foley (kfoley5385[at]