Energy & Environment – Grad Student Conf. – Calgary, AB

University of Calgary

The Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary presents its 2017 graduate student law conference, Energy and Environment in the 21st Century, Oct. 20, 2017. Abstracts were due July 31, 2017.

The conference is intended to provide a supportive atmosphere for graduate students to present ideas, receive constructive feedback, engage in useful discussion and network with other graduate students.

The conference theme is legal aspects of energy and the environment in the 21st century, broadly construed. These legal aspects encompass our transition to a low carbon economy, mining law, renewable energy law, water law, administrative law, adapting to climate change, regulating GHG emissions, regulatory theory, taxation, corporate law, economics, contract law, international trade and investment law, indigenous peoples’ law, tort law, environmental ethics, pollution control, waste management, environmental impact law, intellectual property, human rights law and legal theory. Other related topics are welcome!

About the author

Reference librarian, University of Washington School of Law