Law, Literature & Humanities — Canberra, Australia

Australian National University logoThe Law, Literature and the Humanities Association of Australasia (LLHAA) will hold its annual conference Dec. 5-8, 2013, at Australian National University. The theme is “Interpellations.” The organizers invite “scholarly and creative research from academics and graduate students working at the crossroads of law, justice, and culture, whether based in legal theory or in disciplines such as literature, art, film, music, history, continental philosophy, anthropology, psychoanalysis, visual culture, or cultural studies.” The submission deadline is May 31, 2013.

Interpellate, vb.
1. to interrupt, from inter- ‘between’ + pellere ‘to drive’
2. to interrupt the order of the day by demanding an explanation concerning a government action or policy
3. of an ideology or discourse, to address in order to bring into being or give identity to a subject
4. to interview with the goal of extracting a confession
