Monthly Archives: October 2007

October 2, 2007 Colloquia/Workshops

Connecticut Larry E. Ribstein (Illinois Law), The Rise of the Uncorporation Georgetown Lawrence Solum (Illinois Law), Virtue Jurisprudence: An Aretaic Theory of Law Harvard Law and Economics Michael Meurer (Boston…

October 3, 2007 Colloquia/Workshops

Chicago-Kent Legal History Bonnie Honig (Northwestern Law), Antigone’s Anachronism: Homeric Mourning in Democratic Athens Connecticut Anthony Bradley (Edinburgh Law), The Wildest Law-Making Powers Appropriate to a Sovereign: Reflections on Removal…

October 2, 2007 Colloquia/Workshops

Connecticut Larry E. Ribstein (Illinois Law), The Rise of the Uncorporation Georgetown Lawrence Solum (Illinois Law), Virtue Jurisprudence: An Aretaic Theory of Law Harvard Law and Economics Michael Meurer (Boston…