Legal Pluralist Perspectives on Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity

Legal Pluralist Perspectives on Humanity, Development and Cultural Diversity, by the Commission on Legal Pluralism, in Kunming, China on July 15-23, 2008.  The call for papers deadline is October 31, 2007.

The call for papers document is 29 pages, so here are the headings for the proposed panels, each of which has at least a paragraph in the document elaborating on the topic.

  1. Decentralisation, Land, and Natural Resources in Indonesia
  2. Resignifications: Law, Justice, Moralities
  3. Four patterns of state response: addressing economic, eco-logical, social, political and religious problems in the context of legal pluralism
  4. Culture, Justice and Human Rights: The Legal Recognition of Indigenous Law
  5. The challenges and prospects of intercultural approaches to governance and globalization
  6. Plural socio-legal spaces, power and resistances
  7. Negotiating Gender and Legal Pluralism: Local, National and Transnational Perspectives on Law
  8. Developing Institutional Frameworks for Translating Global Conventions on Natural Resources Management into Local Actions in the Context of Decentralization: Experiences and Reflections Related to Land, Water, and For-estry Resources Management and Conservation in Asia.
  9. Dimensions of the meaning “indigenous” with special focus on the Asian region
  10. Traditional and informal justice systems, legal pluralism and human rights
  11. Legal patterns in the fisheries of South Asia compared
  12. Property Rights and Community based Natural Resource Management: A Legal Pluralistic Perspective
  13. Squatter colonies – their internal law and relationship to the official urban body of law
  14. Legal pluralism – does it unwittingly provide aid and comfort to those who would deny minorities their civil
  15. Pluralistic approaches to land tenure regulation
  16. Does applied legal anthropology contribute to an improved governance of legal pluralism?
  17. Religious, Corporate and Common Law: Coexistence in One State
  18. Customary Law and Legal Pluralism in China: Studies and Approaches
  19. Social controle and deviance in pluralist societies and border regions
  20. Theoretical and Empirical Issues on Legal Pluralism